World Newspapers
No. Name of Paper Country City
01 Pakistan Times Pakistan Karachi
02 Morning News Pakistan Karachi
03 Dawn Pakistan Karachi
04 The Sunday Times U.K. London
05 Guardian U.K. London
06 Sunday Telegraph U.K. London
07 The Economist U.K. London
08 New Statesman U.K. London
09 Le Monde France Paris
10 New York Times USA New York
11 Washington Post USA Washington
12 Izvestia Russia Moscow
13 Pravda Russia Moscow
14 Red Flag China Beijing
15 People's Daily China Beijing
16 Al Ahram Egypt Cairo
17 Nhan Dan Vietnam Hanoi
18 Asahi Shimbun Japan Tokyo
19 Straights Times Singapore Singapore
20 The Motherland Nepal Kathmandu
21 Statesman Sri Lanka Colombo
22 Bangladesh Times Bangladesh Dhaka
23 Al Massa Lebanan Beirut
24 Chasum Ilbo South Korea Seoul
25 China Times Taiwan Taipeh
26 Le Europa Italy Rome
27 La Republica Italy Rome
28 El Pais Spain Madrid


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