ice age
General Overview of the Ice Ages
Extinct mammals of the ice ages: Mammoths and saber tooth tigers. (From: The Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits)
of North America showing the extent of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The
blue outline notes the ice sheet�s borders about 15,000 years ago.
Cartoon of oxygen isotope changes during production of glaciers via seawater extraction. The ratio of 18O to 16O in a sample is expressed by scientists as the deviation (designated by the Greek letter �δ�) from the ratio of isotopes in a standard, where d18O
= [sample ratio]/[standard ratio]-1). Note how during low sealevel
(when glaciers are expanding) the ocean becomes enriched in 18O, leading to a positive isotopic value (+1‰), while the glacier becomes �depleted� in 18O, giving it a negative isotopic value (-30‰). (See the glossary for an expanded overview of the �δ� notation under �Oxygen Isotopes.�)
Climate Change and Oxygen Isotopes
The details of such climate changes were first seen in deep-sea
sediments containing the shells of small planktonic organisms called
foraminifers. This can be done because when foraminifers are alive,
they fix within themselves a ratio of two types of atoms of oxygen. The "normal" oxygen isotope, which is by far the most abundant, has eight protons and eight neutrons in its nucleus;
it is called "oxygen-16." The "heavy" oxygen isotope, called
�oxygen-18,� has two more neutrons in the nucleus, but has the same
number of protons and electrons.
Oxygen-16 is found in higher concentrations in snow and ice, while
oxygen-18 is enriched in the ocean. Therefore, whenever more water is
extracted to make more ice the ocean leaves its �isotopic fingerprint�
in the oxygen. This enrichment effect is, in turn, seen in the carbonate shells of the foraminifers (made of CaCO3),
because the carbonate precipitates out of the seawater, and the oxygen
used to build the carbonate crystals reflects the composition of the
seawater. Through this method of analyzing oxygen isotopes
in foraminifers, scientists have been able to determine when the Earth
has produced more glaciers, and hence determined the times when ice ages
have occurred.
core results from the Vostok drilling site in Antarctica. The top plot
in blue is carbon dioxide, the middle plot in red is paleotemperature,
and the bottom plot in green is methane. Note how the two greenhouse gases
increase with temperature; also notice the recent warming about 20,000
years ago, with the brief dip in temperature during the Younger Dryas.
Ice Ages and Ice Cores
The carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere
for the last 4 glacial cycles is known from drilling into the ice in
Antarctica, where ancient air has been trapped and now can be extracted.
These results show that carbon dioxide follows the change in sea level
rather closely: when carbon dioxide increases, sea level rises and vice versa. A similar relationship is seen for methane.
Most likely, changes in trace gases help drive sea level up and down,
and the changes in sea level in turn change the content of trace gases
in the atmosphere in a feedback loop. Some of these climatic changes
seem to be extremely rapid.
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